Tuesday, December 26, 2006

My first winter

Ever since I was young I always dreamed to see snow.... well, there is no snow in Malaysia, okay.... so, how is it like when it snow? spectacular? romantic? I still can't imagine it.

Today, I am struggling with the winter, the very first one in my life.... oh how is it like when the temparature is 0 or -2°C?

I could sense that my body is suffering... when I breath in the cold air, my nose and sinuses are yelling in pain, muscles are working hard to generate heats and fingers get numb soon after the cotton gloves are removed....

Seems that my first winter doesn't go well as may people had reminded me before.... I didn't know it could be this tough. More so when it is raining, even my teeth are hitting by the cold.

And I see my friends from seasonal countries.... easy going and showing empathy of me a poor girl from tropical country who has never experienced the winter... I start to dream about the sunny islands in Malaysia.. how wonderful!

Endurance, perseverance .....

1 comment:

Bee Ean said...

Hi Natalie,

I lived in US for a while but Texas's winter was not that horrible.

So my real winter started last year. I hated it but slowly getting used to it.

Right now I'm suffering from the cool. The heater makes me have sore throat and flu.

Hopefully you can cope better than me. Nice blog and photos you have here. Keep up the good work!