Sunday, January 03, 2010

Public transport in KL

There is one thing I really wish to have in Klang Valley is: efficient public transport system like in Paris, Geneva or Lausanne.
If there is metro in KL, I could have stayed near my parents' place in Kepong, and could have gotten to the heart of KL in less than half an hour. Thanks to this, I would have spent less time in traffic jam after doing on-calls, gained more time to read either in the train, reached home earlier to gain more rest, gone more often to another part of KL to meet friends for a drink or meal; I also think I would live longer as I will walk more, inhale less poluted air, have less stress triggered by traffic jam; my pocket will also be fuller as I don't have to pay the car installments, nor the petrol.

If I were to extend this to the society around me, I think the rate of road accidents would have been very much reduced. Comparatively, the accidents happen in metro stations in Paris are far lower in numbers, though there are suiciders who rushed onto the rails from time to time. In addition, the CO2 emission would have been much lower. United Nations data shows Malaysia's carbon emissions in 2006 stood at 187 million tonnes or 7.2 tonnes from each Malaysian. from . According to an equation published in Nature, this amount of carbon resulted in 0.0003°C rise in global temperature by MALAYSIA AND IN ONE YEAR ONLY. If we assume there are around 100 countries in the world emit the same amount of carbon in 2006, they would have there would have been a rise of 0.03°C in 2006 alone! And this assumption is most likely to be too optimistic.

Yea, my fear on the road in KL has never been decreased everytime I go back home. How I wish KL could be a safer, cleaner and faster city in terms of transport!

1 comment:

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Take care - your friend George